Monday, June 23, 2008

Thankful for Nothing

Today was an average (boring, uneventful, humdrum, routine, normal, common, typical, regular, standard, customary) day in an average (boring, uneventful, humdrum, routine, normal, common, typical, regular, standard, customary) life. When nothing particularly noteworthy has happened on any given day, I try to remember to thank the Lord for His watchcare over me and hedge of protection about me... that no accident or catastrophe has befallen me or mine. Thank you, Lord!
I haven't posted a picture in a couple of days, so here's one. It's not recent (in case you didn't guess!), and I don't know why I felt the need to share it just now. I suppose it's because my mom, sisters, and I have Buddy Chat on Monday evenings. If you could see the bottom of the picture, you would note that my bell-bottom pants are the widest part of me!


Kristina said...

Hahah @ my mom! This is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Just lovely.

Joan said...

Hey! At least I didn't post the blue-eyed pictures I have of each of you!

Liz said...

lol Yeah, honestly an ordinary life is better than one that has awful weird things happen to it. For instance my best friend's husband. He gets accosted in Wendy's by drug addicts; nearly gets arrested for loitering when his car breaks down in a parking lot; gets solicited by prostitutes at a local mall food court; has someone yell hate towards Muslims at him (he's Italian and dark from it and gets mistaken for an Arab a lot); and has various and other sundry things happen to him that you think would only happen in movies to people that don't really exist. I prefer humdrum. :)