Saturday, June 21, 2008

Success at CVS

I'll spare you all the boring math details that I barely understand myself, but here's what I got today for $0.46 out-of-pocket, and coming out with exactly the same amount of Extra Bucks that I went in with. The Ban was on sale, but I did not have a coupon, nor did it generate Extra Bucks. However, I was out of deodorant, and I didn't want to smell like a Brut.

GRIPE: By accident and memory leakage issues, I got one more mouthwash than the limit allows, or I would have come out with more Extra Bucks than I started with.

GOODIES: I also went to Kroger and Publix today. I didn't save that much at Kroger -- 26% -- but I like the fact that the percentage of savings is printed on the receipt and I didn't have to find my pink calculator to figure it out. I did better at Publix. I just got a few sale items (a couple with MFC), so I spent $13.75, but saved $17.78. Maybe Dave will compute the percentage of savings for me!

1 comment:

EmilyV said...

Not Dave, but I calculated your savings at 56%. Good job!

Oh, and I had a Ban coupon you could have used.