I've got

Also partially underway is scanning old photographs so that I can have them in an electronic format. The photos are sorted into eight or ten categories in quart- or gallon-sized ziploc bags. (Album? What's an album?)

Third on the list is a stack of baby bibs to be. These start as washcloths and bandannas before I stitch them into bibs. I'll have to find a picture of one of my grandbabies wearing one so that you can see the finished product. (Don't look, Liz.) I like to make a dozen or so at a time and have them on hand (boy, girl, and gender neutral) so that I always have them when I need a baby gift.

Finally, I took my mother-in-law to Hobby Lobby today. She is also a quilter and seamstress, and because my in-laws live in an assisted living facility, she doesn't get a lot of opportunities for that kind of shopping. I bought several small pieces of bright solid or nearly solid cotton fabric today for a quilt idea I have. It will be wall-hanging size, which is about all I do. I get bored with anything larger way before it's finished. But if it never gets made at all, that's OK, too. I just like buying fabric!
GRIPE: It's way too hot for early June in Atlanta. The average high for this time of year is 82 degrees. Today, it was in the low 90s and tomorrow and Sunday will be mid-90s.
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