Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Terrible Tuesday on Wednesday

Invoking my previously proclaimed privilege, I had my Terrible Tuesday today. I won't even begin to go into all the reasons why it was not a good day at work. At one point, I needed to chill, so I got some chocolate, went into my boss's office, and watched cartoons with his small son. My boss knew some of the issues involved, and knew I was about to have a melt-down, so he wisely didn't say a word while I watched Sylvester in his futile attempts to catch and consume Tweetie. Cartoon Therapy. You should try it sometime.


Phillip said...

I tawt i taw a pootty tat.

I DID! I DID taw a pootty tat.

not as good as an irodium p-32 space modulator tho.

Liz said...

uh oh.