Monday, August 11, 2008

Maniac Monday

People who are long-term, regular bloggers always seem to have particular days, usually with some catchy heading, when they post on recurring themes. For example, there's Menu Plan Monday and Works for Me Wednesday out there. Since my menu planning consists of arriving home between 5:45 - 6:00 p.m. and then scrounging around in the freezer for some heat and serve meal that I've bought, that wouldn't make for much of a post. Works for Me Wednesday seems to be all about household management and child-rearing tips, and I am so over that. What works for me on any and all household tasks is what takes the least amount of time and effort. I'll even pay more to achieve those effects.

So, I've decided I'll try out Maniac Monday. It will be about things that absolutely drive me crazy. Maybe I'll aim for 10 each Monday. I'll probably run out of material by the time I'm 107.
  1. Kids running wild in stores with Mama right there ignoring instead of correcting them.
  2. Mamas "correcting" their children in stores by demeaning them.
  3. Customer Service Reps, in person or on the phone, who are chewing gum and not making at least some small effort to conceal it.
  4. Children ages four - seventeen who "have to go" in the middle of a worship service.
  5. Parents over the age of fourteen who permit the children who "have to go" to go.
  6. Having to vacuum the ceilings at my house because of the stippling that collects dust bunnies.
  7. Automated answering options that require callers to make more than two or three selections before connecting to a live person, especially if that caller is me, and double especially if pressing "0" doesn't get me out of the endless loop.
  8. Women's clothing, unlike men's, that cannot be purchased by sleeve length or inseam. (In my lifetime, I've worn plenty of flood pants and 3/4 sleeve shirts that weren't supposed to be.)
  9. Little, yappy dogs who yap continually at nothing, especially if they reside next door to me.
  10. Little, yappy dogs who learn to avoid the range of a super soaker.


Unknown said...

THat last one made my day! :-D -Liz

EmilyV said...

I'd be happy right now if my three year old went in any potty at anytime, but we did have to tell a certain young Korean man last year that he couldn't use the restroom during church any more.

Joan said...

Good for you!