Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday Stuff

I love blogging. It provides an opportunity to look afresh at the most mundane events of life and wonder, Can blogging material be found here? Over the last couple of Saturdays, I've bought some containers and have tried to bring some order to the chaos created when it becomes necessary to "buy" nine bottles of shampoo because, with sales and coupons, they're free. Or when some unnamed Queen of Couponing gives me three bottles of laundry stain remover, two bottles of pizazz cleaner with bleach, and sixteen cans of aerosol air freshener (or so it seems). Here's what my basement and laundry room supplies look like now.
Well, she may be the Queen of Couponing, but I am the Queen of Clearance Racks. At Marshall's this week, I got Alexa this cute sundress for next summer for only $2.

And the kicker? It even has a matching dolly dress.

1 comment:

Liz said...

That is too cute!