Saturday, August 23, 2008

Forgetful Friday (on Saturday)

The Falcons game last night was fun. They won. I was mad at myself when I realized that I'd forgotten my camera, so I couldn't make any pictures to post. I had my cell phone, but it is only a phone. It doesn't make pictures, play games, send text, surf the net, make coffee, nor give me a pedicure. Angi has a picture phone, but she accidentally left it at her office. Pretty soon, we're going to have to pin our names and addresses to our shirts before we go on outings.

Footnote: Be forewarned. We were accustomed to the Turner Field practice of visually inspecting the contents of purses, coolers, etc. At the Georgia Dome, they did that, and they will confiscate any and all prescription and non-prescription drugs. Angi intended to take some ibuprofen once we got inside and she could get a drink. She had to beg them not to take it, and they had to call a supervisor who let it go. They didn't see that I had both ibuprofen and acetaminophen together in an unmarked bottle in the deep, dark depths of my purse. Nor did they see that she had two bottles of prescription medication buried even deeper in her purse. After than fun experience, we learned that they pat you down before you can go in! At least they had a girls line and a boys line.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Yeah I must admit that was rather weird. And I went through with the diaper bag and Joe was in the boys line with the baby and they were like "why do you have a diaper bag and no baby!" Instinct had me nearly raise my hands over my head and assume the position but I calmly pointed to said baby-lugging husband. In any case, I wouldn't think a Falcons pre-season game would be very conducive to terroristic activities but I must be wrong.