Midway Presbyterian Church spent the weekend with an open house and dedication of our new sanctuary and fellowship hall. My post title is borrowed from Saturday's title of an
article on the front page of the Lifestyle section of the Marietta Daily Journal. Here are some photos I made on Friday night.
The front doors.

The sanctuary, with the choir loft in the middle of the back balcony. The empty space will hold the pipe organ, the installation of which will begin next week.

Closer view of the choir loft.

View of the sanctuary from the choir loft.
The new pulpit (Pastor David Hall seated).

Closer view of the mahogany pews.

One section of the lobby. There are several different nooks with seating areas like this one.

The sanctuary has hardwood floors and marble title, but the lobby area is carpeted, including some neat inset areas.

Friday night was a children's' concert, including the Atlanta Boys' Choir, the Midway children's choir, and the Midway Covenant Christian School choir. Here is Judy Dodd directing the Midway children (Atlanta Boys' Choir members in the background).

The sound "booth" is located on one side of the balcony. Pictured is the world's best church sound board operator.

Are they going to combine the morning services now that there is a big sanctuary?
Yes, there's only an 11 a.m. service now, even though the MDJ said 8:30 and 11.
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