Sunday, January 18, 2009

Only Your Own - Thought for the Day

This morning our pastor's sermon text was from John 14, particularly the portion wherein Jesus tells his disciples about the Holy Spirit. The pastor pointed out that one of the Holy Spirit's roles is to make believers holy... to convict them of unholiness in their lives. Pastor Hall also noted that the Holy Spirit only points out a person's own sin. He is not in the busybody business of pointing out someone else's sin. It made me think of Aslan's words in The Chronicles of Narnia. I believe he made this same, or a similar, statement to more than one child who questioned him regarding another character in the story. Aslan patiently explained to the child, "I tell no one any story but his own." And so it is with the Holy Spirit.

Post script: We did not get the necessary permits to worship in our new sanctuary, but the permits are "sure to happen" this week.

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