Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bad Language

I don't have an English degree or anything, but it bothers me when I hear redundancies that I find annoying. Here are some prime examples:
  • ATM machine
  • PIN number
  • SAT test
  • ISBN number (Although I will admit that I work for a book publisher yet didn't know that ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number until I looked it up just now. But I did know that the N stands for Number. And here's another tidbit, whether or not you're interested. ISBNs used to be ten digits, but unused ten digit numbers are as scarce as silver dollars these days, so ISBNs are now thirteen digits.)
Here's one that is often heard in voice mail messages: I am currently away from my desk at the present time. Well, it's hard to be currently away from your desk yesterday. Finally, when I visit my family doctor and they want to mail me lab results, the girl hands me an envelope and asks me to self-address it to myself. Since, to my knowledge, I have not yet been cloned, it would be a breach of all the medical privacy laws to self-address it to someone else. My clone or I would have to go directly to jail without passing GO for that.


Angi said...

One of my favorites is "Past History" - hard to do future history.

Dave said...

The PIN number I use for the ATM machine is the first four letters of the ISBN number of my SAT test study book. I can't remember it, but I am currently looking at it inside the self-addressed envelope to myself right now.

Kristina said...

Along the lines of the voicemail..

Mom and dad have told me (I don't remember it) that I recorded our answering machine message one time to the effect of, "We're not home right now, call us back when we return" (as if they would know when we were coming back!)

Joan said...

Only if a stalker is watching your house!

Joan said...

Dave, I hope you didn't hurt yourself coming up with that comment.