Friday, January 9, 2009

Lost and Found

I've been thinking this week about how wonderful it is, especially in this economy, that Phillip found a job so quickly after graduation. I'm happy to be finding a sewing room. He's probably happy to lose his dependence on his parents. Sometimes we like to find things; sometimes we like to lose them. Here's my short lost and found list.

Things We Like to Find
Money in the pocket of a seldom-worn coat
Just about anything at a half-price sale
A ready-made meal lurking in the back of the freezer

Things We Like to Lose
A pound or two (or ten)
A bad habit
A neighbor with a yappy dog

Things We Don't Like to Find
Gray hair(s)(s)(s)(s)
A nail in a tire

Things We Don't Like to Lose
The car keys
Our youth
A beloved pet

Thanks for finding my blog. I'm furiously agitating the brain cells so that you don't lose interest.

1 comment:

Angi said...

You are doing a fine job. My brain cells work well enough to get me back to read it - could never write it! BTW not enough (s)'s on the gray hair comment.