I've had a lot to do the last couple of days. Yesterday, I took my in-laws for advance voting. They are both well into their eighties, and although he still gets around pretty well, she doesn't. I called the day before and made sure that they would be allowed to go to the front of the anticipated line. When I inquired as to whether or not I would be permitted to vote at the same time, the answer was that it varied from location to location, and at the main office I called, the answer would be, "No." I took them at 9 a.m. so that if I had to return them home and then go back and stand in line, I'd have all day to do it. We went to a county building about a mile from where they live, and fortunately the sheriff directed me to the front-door parking, and we did get to go to the front of the line. Even better, they let me vote at the same time. We made the whole trip in less than an hour.
I had thrown a bunch of stuff for Emily and the grandbabies in the back of my car, with the intent of going to her house next. But she was just about to leave to come visit Grandmother and Granddaddy, so I waited for her.
Next, I went to Kroger and Publix for some of the deals. I think it's the first time I've broken the 50% savings plateau, saving 68% at Publix (but ONLY 47% at Kroger). By the time I got home and put the groceries away, I was too tired to go anywhere else. Gramps got to see Caleb and Alexa in their
party costumes, though. I stayed quietly at home and cleaned up the kitchen and my desk.
Although I didn't want to be, I was awake at 6 a.m. on Saturday. I went to the bank, Kroger (again), CVS, another CVS, Home Depot, Walgreens, T J Maxx, Target (yea for clearance Halloween chocolate!), Lowes, and back to the second CVS after I found out from Emily that I could make another $1 each on two tubes of Crest toothpaste. Here's what I earned four cents bringing home from Kroger and CVS.

That killed my morning. I spent the afternoon doing laundry and working remotely. (Thanks for keeping me company via email, Catie. Sorry you were in the office, though.) I cooked supper (sort of), and then vacuumed the whole house and cleaned two bathrooms. Now I'm blogging and I'm so tired, I'm senseless. There's no telling what dumb thing I've written.
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