Friday, November 14, 2008

Retirement Lunch at American Vision

Here are some pictures from Tuesday's lunch for me at work.

This is the centerpiece -- in the center of the room instead of the center of the table. All those candles smelled really good. Ooooh. I didn't mean to get a shot of the bald spot.
Here's Reece, wearing the bib I made for her before she was born.Liz, slicing the cheesecake. She pulled the whole event together and she did a great job, as she does with everything. Jerry is about to snag a slice of cheesecake, and Dan is pouring a beverage.
Here's the slice of cheesecake I was served. I ate about two inches off the pointed end, and then ate the topping off of the rest!

Here's Liz's artwork from the calendar that hangs in my (now former) office. She predicted that they would all be dead today with me not there, but I've seen some of 'em on Facebook, so I think all is, and will be, well. For me, it seemed like any other Friday.

Look carefully at the small details in this post, and you'll discover why this office lunch/party was quite out of the ordinary.


EmilyV said...

I did the exact same thing with the piece of cheesecake you sent me.

Liz said...

lol I quite enjoyed that post. Especially the track back to wikipedia. Teehee.

Well. We might still be alive but then again, you would have been gone today anyway so the real doom actually will occur next week.

I really will miss you.

Molly said...

Might you be referring to the Fourth of July decor on the tables?! :)

Joan said...

Independence Day decor is year-round at American Vision.