Monday, November 10, 2008

Jump Start on Thanksgiving

With crisp temperatures (or in Georgia, mild might be a better word) and falling leaves, thoughts turn to Thanksgiving. Be thankful for the biggies -- God (salvation), family, country -- but let's remember to be thankful for the small things as well. Here's my list, in no particular order.
  1. Chocolate (OK, maybe there is some subconscious hierarchy to the list)
  2. Butterflies
  3. Duct Tape
  4. Emery Boards
  5. White Out
  6. Baseball
  7. Peaches
  8. Sunshine
  9. Music
  10. Flannel shirts
  11. Goo Gone
  12. Central heat and a/c
  13. Calico fabric
  14. Friends
  15. Cats
  16. Living in the information age instead of the stone age
  17. The drop in gasoline prices
  18. Rubber bands
  19. Toothpaste
  20. WD40
  21. Chipmunks
  22. Laughter
  23. Coupons
  24. Chapstick
  25. My faithful blog readers, both of you


EmilyV said...

It's so nice to be appreciated. :)

Kristina said...

hey! i read your blog everyday too! be thankful for all THREE!

Joan said...

I stand corrected. And I am honored beyond words.

Anonymous said...

Make that four!