Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Terrible Tuesday

I stayed home sick from work today and not many of my candidates are leading at this stage of the vote tabulation. Terrible enough.

I'm thinking that when I retire, I need to change my image, and I found this possibility online today: http://advancedstyle.blogspot.com/2008/11/style-inspiration-zandra-rhodes.html Let me know if you think I should go for it.


Dave said...

you want to be a circus clown?

Liz said...

Suggestion to choose a slightly more red shade of hair. : p :D

Anonymous said...

I think bright purple would look better on you. You try it, and if it looks good on you, I'll do it, 'cause then I know what it'll look like on me.

Joan said...

Dave... that was exactly my first thought!
Pam... sure thing.
What is so bizarre about the whole thing is that you probably wouldn't look twice if a teenager were in that get-up... but that woman was no teenager!