A day or two ago, Coupon Queen wrote about the
cloth diapers that she uses. I also used cloth diapers 98% of the time. They came in several colors: white, offwhite, nearly white, almost white, and dingy. Diaper pins came in pink, blue, yellow, or white. (Velcro had not yet been invented, or if it had, it was still in limited use in the aerospace industry.) The diapers were one-size-fits-all, and could be folded to provide geographically-appropriate absorbancy for boys or girls. Here's what the diapers looked like:

In all honesty the diapers were a bit whiter and more intact a quarter of a century ago, and my babies did not bear any resemblance to my nappy model.
*The British term for diaper is nappy.
I hope your kids weren't that hairy either. :P
You were as bald as a cue ball.
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