Monday, October 6, 2008

Merriment Monday

A few days ago we got Phillip's Grade Transcript in the mail. In eleven units taken, he has eight As and three Bs with a grade point average of 3.72. Also commendable is the fact that he has missed only 6.5 hours of class time, and six of those were on a Friday a couple of months ago when he traveled back here to be in his best childhood friend's wedding.

Phillip's program of Automotive with Diesel Technology will be complete in about six weeks. New students start each month, so it follows that there are students who complete the program each month. Rather than have twelve commencements (or just one) Nashville Auto Diesel College has four per year, and students participate in whichever one falls closest to their completion date. This Friday is Phillip's commencement, and we'll be travelling to Nashville to attend. Today he called with the news that not only is he graduating, he's graduating with honors! Join with us in praising God that He has led Phillip to this field of study where he has done so well, and where he has become equipped to earn a living while serving Him in the mission field of life.


EmilyV said...

Good job, Phillip!

Phillip said...

TOP honors. I will be walking 15th.