Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm So Disappointed and Somewhat Relieved

I'm disappointed that there's not a single comment on last night's clever post title that was clearly of near-genius inspiration. Sorry, folks. That's the best I can do.

After another lengthy conversation between my personal tech support and Dell tech support this evening, Dell is shipping me a whole new computer. When it arrives, we'll ship back the malfunctioning one... after I remove the white-out from the on button and the CD drive eject button. Everything on the case is black, and I couldn't find the buttons without the white-out!


EmilyV said...

I laughed out loud at your post last night if that makes you feel any better.

Joan said...

Yes, I feel much better, thank you. Especially since it's all about how I feel.

Anonymous said...

Sorry....I'm catching up on missing reading for several days. I am suitably impressed at your creativity!