Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sewing with the Blinky Cat

Blinky is going to get her feline card revoked. She doesn't know that cats are supposed to be aloof and standoffish. She wants to be in the room where the people are, and she wants to be involved in whatever they are doing. She is very affectionate, especially first thing in the morning and when we get home in the afternoon. And I am quite certain it has nothing to do with the fact that her staff (us) will soon be filling her food dish. Actually, she's more affectionate after she's had her breakfast. James has the coffee stains on his undershirts to prove it. On more than one occasion he has been sitting on the sofa with a full cup of coffee, and she'll come up unannounced and head-butt his arm to nudge him to pet her.... which he is not inclined to do when he has scalding coffee singeing his chest hair.
I was trying to finish up some sewing last week so that I could take down the table I was using in Phillip's room. Blinky thought that winding the bobbin was a game. She was pulling off the thread faster than I could get it rewound.

When she had had enough fun, this is what she did

1 comment:

Liz said...

LOL That is quite comical.