At CVS, I spent $2.06 out-of-pocket. I started with $8 in Extra Bucks and ended with $10 in Extra Bucks, so basically, I spent six cents. I wanted to make a 6x8 photo book for $7.99 that gave $7.99 back in EB, but the first CVS I went to had one Kodak machine that would not read my flash drive. So the clerk gave me a rain check for a free book. The second CVS had three Kodak machines: one was in use, one didn't have the option for a 6x8 book, and the third wouldn't read my flash drive until the clerk came over and jiggled it. So I did get to make a book, and Emily had given me a $3 off coupon, so I made three bucks, plus I'll get to make another book later, even though today is the last day for the deal. Sweet.
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