Let me explain. My mother is 1/8 Cherokee Indian. She, and two of my three sisters, can go to the beach for a week and come out looking like 7/8 Cherokee Indian. The other part of our ancestry is Scottish/Celtic. Guess who cashed in on that part when it comes to tanning ability? My sister says that I go to the beach and get "dark white." For years, I would go home from our annual vacation with a strange rash, mostly on my hands, but also on the tops of my feet and the tops of my arms near the elbow. Finally, a coworker took a look and said that she thought it was sun poisioning. A bit of Internet research brought me to the same conclusion. That, combined with the fact that I've had several pre-cancerous places removed from my face, convinced me to buy the beach canopy and stay under it as much as possible. I still enjoy the beach, in my own way.
We went shrimping and crabbing in the afternoon. Here's what my sister caught in her cast net -- a puffer fish. When we put him back in the water, he eventually deflated himself and swam along on his merry way.