In what I sadly believe is fast becoming a lost art, I wrote and mailed three thank-you notes today. One was for the pastor who ministered to our family and conducted a gospel-filled funeral service for my step-father. The second was for a couple in Mama's church who extended hospitality to James and me Saturday night so that we would not have to make the long drive back home, only to return Sunday morning. The third note was for the ladies' Sunday School class who provided lunch for us at the church on Sunday prior to the funeral. If you have never experienced the spread put on by a group of church ladies in the deep South, then you have not really lived!
My doorbell just rang, and I discovered this lovely plant sent to us by our
church family as an expression of their sympathy. Maybe I have time to get another note out before the mailman arrives.
(Side note: Having Blinky is sort of like having a small child. Does anyone know what kind of plant this is, and whether or not it is poisonous to cats?)
Update: I did a quick search and found that this is a peace lily (so I thought). And it IS poisonous to cats, according to another website that lists such things.
I have a thank you note sitting next to me on my desk to write to the lady we stayed with. And one for the blanket from Lynn.
Yes a Peace Lily without flowers. Does your cat tend to eat plants?!! I must get our girls on to their Christmas thank you letters as well, thanks for the reminder.
Yup - a peace lily. I had one long ago and had to leave it at school because of my chewing cats. But then I killed it because of my black thumb anyway. (I read that they are nearly impossible to kill: HA!!!)
I'm not very good with plants, so this one may be doomed. And Blinky the cat has been known to sample flower arrangements as well as leaves and pine straw that have found their way onto the screened porch. I don't want to take a chance with this plant, especially since I know is poisonous.
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