I didn't save a lot of Emily & Phillip's little clothes, due to lack of space, and the fact that most weren't worth saving. A few days ago I went digging in the basement for some of Emily's clothes that may soon fit Alexa. She couldn't wear Emily's baptismal dress because Alexa weighed a hefty two pounds more at birth than her mom did. Maybe one or two of these other outfits will fit some day.
I made this lion outfit and the accompanying stuffed lion. (My apologies for the poor quality of the scanned Christmas 1981 photo.) The outfit even has leg snaps for ease in changing.

At age 2, Emily loved dressing up in her cowgirl outfit. Until I dug out this picture, I didn't remember that it had a hat and a belt. Only the shirt and skirt made it this far.

The next two are dresses that Emily had at Christmastime in 1982, a couple of months before she turned three. In the first picture, she's holding the doll that I made her the year that Cabbage Patch dolls first became overwhelmingly popular. People were literally trampling one another in toy stores! No need for that, when mom can sew.

Maybe in the next months/years, I can get a picture of Alexa in these vintage outfits.
The first picture looks a lot like Alexa. The rest - all Caleb.
I was about to comment the same thing :-)
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