Saturday, February 7, 2009

OCD: It's Genetic

Those of you who share the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with us will immediately recognize it in the photo. If you don't, I'll clue you in: It's no accident that Emily served her kids the orange yogurt with the orange spoon and the pink yogurt with the pink spoon.


EmilyV said...

Yes, I am OCD, but you did not notice the real reason for the spoon assignments. The orange spoon is smaller and is therefore in Alexa's orange yogurt. The red spoon is too big for her, she just makes a mess.

Joan said...

I did notice the spoon assignments, but that is more a matter of practicality rather than OCD.

Angi said...

If you guys really had it bad it would be "CDO" - the letters would have to be in alpha order.