It can be difficult to deal with any death, but one that is sudden and in the prime of life can seem even harder. I wasn't finished with you. I still had plans for us. I still need you and want to touch you. You made life so much easier. If you had let me know in some way that the end was near, I could have been prepared. Now, I will have to make other arrangements and figure out how to go on without you. You will require a special burial, and I will have to replace you. All I can say now is,
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Dang piece of junk!
I can't see the picture, but I hope it isn't your vacuum 'cause mine just broke.
I think we have an extra keyboard lying around that you can borrow.
Oh no. Not the new vacuum! What broke?
I.T. came with life support and revived the keyboard.
The plastic piece that hold the carpet attachment onto the pole. They are sending me a new one.
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