Bailing a sinking boat is good,
But let’s not be playing Robin Hood.
I want to keep all that I earn,
Not give it to some fool to burn.
The Bible says, “Don’t work: don’t eat,”
But they give handouts to deadbeats.
So let me keep assets I’ve arranged;
You keep your bailouts, tax, and “change.”
Editorial note: I do realize that some folks are undergoing financial hardship for reasons outside their control; others are victims of their own folly. This post is not directed toward the former group. It is directed toward law-makers (and those who elected them) who would steal from me (taxes) in order to fund bailouts and entitlement programs. For more on this topic, read this insightful article:
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
What I Did Today. Period..
I had no idea in my brain
The strain of blogging causes pain.
I fight the curse of sounding trite
While thinking of new stuff to write.
Some days are just a great big bore,
A bit of work, a household chore.
Nothing that you’d want to read,
Much less write if you were me.
But just in case you need to know,
It rained today, there might be snow.
I drove my car, I breathed in air,
I walked on floors, I sat in chairs.
I’ve proved my point, consumed your time,
Given nothing for your dime.
So forgive me if I fail to post.
My brain has given up the ghost.
The strain of blogging causes pain.
I fight the curse of sounding trite
While thinking of new stuff to write.
Some days are just a great big bore,
A bit of work, a household chore.
Nothing that you’d want to read,
Much less write if you were me.
But just in case you need to know,
It rained today, there might be snow.
I drove my car, I breathed in air,
I walked on floors, I sat in chairs.
I’ve proved my point, consumed your time,
Given nothing for your dime.
So forgive me if I fail to post.
My brain has given up the ghost.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What We Did for Fun Today
Cooked while sitting down. I seriously want a kitchen like this.
Laid out all the number books, open cover to open cover.
Then made Piglet walk the plank.
Went over the school lesson (Caleb's) for Grammy's benefit.
Played Dora the Explorer on the computer. (Notice that he has GHD, too -- Genetic Hair Disorder.)
Went for a spin in the desk chair.
Then two out of three of us took a nap. I waited 'til I got home for mine.

Then two out of three of us took a nap. I waited 'til I got home for mine.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sudden Death
It can be difficult to deal with any death, but one that is sudden and in the prime of life can seem even harder. I wasn't finished with you. I still had plans for us. I still need you and want to touch you. You made life so much easier. If you had let me know in some way that the end was near, I could have been prepared. Now, I will have to make other arrangements and figure out how to go on without you. You will require a special burial, and I will have to replace you. All I can say now is,
(scroll down)
Dang piece of junk!
(scroll down)
Dang piece of junk!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Congratulations to Me! (Day Two)
Twenty-six years ago today, I became a mom for the second time. After growing up with three sisters in a neighborhood of mostly girls, I discovered that I knew nothing about raising a boy. But we both survived (with Dad's help, of course, and our local emergency room) and I'm thankful for this day.

Monday, February 23, 2009
The Big Five

Congratulations to Me!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Vintage? Perhaps...
I didn't save a lot of Emily & Phillip's little clothes, due to lack of space, and the fact that most weren't worth saving. A few days ago I went digging in the basement for some of Emily's clothes that may soon fit Alexa. She couldn't wear Emily's baptismal dress because Alexa weighed a hefty two pounds more at birth than her mom did. Maybe one or two of these other outfits will fit some day.
I made this lion outfit and the accompanying stuffed lion. (My apologies for the poor quality of the scanned Christmas 1981 photo.) The outfit even has leg snaps for ease in changing.
At age 2, Emily loved dressing up in her cowgirl outfit. Until I dug out this picture, I didn't remember that it had a hat and a belt. Only the shirt and skirt made it this far.
The next two are dresses that Emily had at Christmastime in 1982, a couple of months before she turned three. In the first picture, she's holding the doll that I made her the year that Cabbage Patch dolls first became overwhelmingly popular. People were literally trampling one another in toy stores! No need for that, when mom can sew.
Maybe in the next months/years, I can get a picture of Alexa in these vintage outfits.
I made this lion outfit and the accompanying stuffed lion. (My apologies for the poor quality of the scanned Christmas 1981 photo.) The outfit even has leg snaps for ease in changing.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Almost as Good as Chocolate

Thursday, February 19, 2009
It Bears Repeating
A few months back, I acknowledged Emily as being Coupon Queen, but I crowned myself Queen of Clearance Racks. Here are some bargains I've found in the last several days.
This is a dress for Alexa for next Christmas. The photo makes it look hot pink, but it really is a pretty shade of red. The picture of the price tag is a better representation of the actual color.

This is a pair of Nike athletic pants for Caleb. Is there anyone out there who would have paid the full retail price? I sure wouldn't.

If you think the retail price of the pants was too high, take a look at the original tag on this fleece jacket for Alexa. For that price, it ought to be lined with gold.
Finally, here's a pair of socks I got for Caleb. They weren't a bargain compared to the other things, but they were just too cute to pass up.

Even though the manufacturers' suggested retail prices are a joke, the total for these four items is $118. I paid $11 for a savings of 91%. Pretty good, if I do say so myself.
This is a dress for Alexa for next Christmas. The photo makes it look hot pink, but it really is a pretty shade of red. The picture of the price tag is a better representation of the actual color.
This is a pair of Nike athletic pants for Caleb. Is there anyone out there who would have paid the full retail price? I sure wouldn't.

Even though the manufacturers' suggested retail prices are a joke, the total for these four items is $118. I paid $11 for a savings of 91%. Pretty good, if I do say so myself.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
What Do You Get?

Ready, Set, Sew! (Again)
I originally posted this yesterday, but something weird happened, and the page, although fine initially, began opening with errors. So, I decided to delete the whole post and start over. I made the pictures smaller, too, in case that was the problem.
The sewing room is finished, with the possible exception of the wall decor, if I had any. We had enough flooring (with a little patching) to do the closet as well. The only nice piece of furniture in the room is a cherry computer hutch that came from James' parents' house. It weighs about two tons, and it was an adventure getting it moved into the hall while we put the floor down. James hung his contribution to the decor in front of the windows, but it didn't stay there long.

The sewing room is finished, with the possible exception of the wall decor, if I had any. We had enough flooring (with a little patching) to do the closet as well. The only nice piece of furniture in the room is a cherry computer hutch that came from James' parents' house. It weighs about two tons, and it was an adventure getting it moved into the hall while we put the floor down. James hung his contribution to the decor in front of the windows, but it didn't stay there long.

Monday, February 16, 2009
Photo-Worthy Savings

CVS would have paid me $2 to bring home a razor and two tubes of Colgate, but I blew the wad on Valentine's clearance chocolate. You can rest assured that it will be put to good use, though.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy 93rd Birthday
Yesterday marked the 93rd birthday of my grandfather and his twin sister and this afternoon there was a family party. Here are my three sisters and me posing, and then one of our grandfather along with us being a little goofy, a rare thing. You believe that, don't you?

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
And please let me know if you have any leftover chocolate; there will be no need for recycling it.
Friday, February 13, 2009
How to Know If You Have Too Much Time on Your Hands
I've been accused of having too much time on my hands. Since this is probably true, the least I can do is to provide instruction to the rest of you so that you'll know if this "malady" strikes you. Here's how to know if you have too much time on your hands:
You start seeing Martians.

Everything your pet does is entertaining.

You start seeing Martians.

Everything your pet does is entertaining.
Everything your spouse does is entertaining.
You find humor in pollen.
You become obsessed with hair.

Colors of yogurt matter.
You take photographs of price stickers, food, medicine, and thermometers.
And finally, you keep blogging as if your life depended on it, even when you have nothing worthwhile to say, because you're pretty sure that your sanity does depend on it.
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