While I was in the floor picking up puzzle pieces, I looked under the china cabinet to see if any had gone underneath. They had, but look what else turned up. It was sort of gross. I tried to figure out how long it might have been there. Since neither parent would have let Caleb have a pink sippy cup, it has to be Alexa's. Since she's just over fourteen months old, and since she wouldn't have had a sippy cup at all before about eight months old, then the cup cannot have been there longer than six months. That made me feel better. Anyone can go six months without looking under furniture. A little bleach, a little soaking, a little scrubbing with a toothbrush (not mine), and the cup is usable now.

My second project isn't totally kaput -- just delayed.

There should be people sitting at this table with food on their plates. James and I went by the assisted living facility on Thursday after work to invite his parents for lunch today. The occasion is my father-in-law's 89th birthday, which will be on Thursday. Anyway, James went to pick them up, and found them in the dining room having almost finished lunch. In under two days, they had both forgotten about the invitation. James is going to pick them up later for warmed-over supper instead. Note to self: Next invite, call the day before, the morning of, and an hour before pick-up time.
I knew we were missing that cup!
Now we have to start the puzzle all over again! (In all of our "spare time"!)
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