Friday, September 5, 2008

Freaky Honest Friday

Confession: I apply drug store/Walmart makeup to my face. At a time in my life when I would have liked to go to the "professional" counters in department stores, I had neither the time nor the money to do so. Now that I have the time and a bit more disposable income, that's not where I choose to spend either. My hair styling requirements are twofold: Something quick and easy to do, and something that doesn't require a visit to the beautician every 4-6 weeks. To quote Martina McBride, My baby loves me just the way that I am. I had to make about 30 self-portraits to get these usable ones. Good thing I have long arms. I don't recommend that you click-to-enlarge these pictures!

Here I am, fresh out of the shower (after dressing, of course!).
Editorial note 9/6: There was only so long I could look at these pictures. They're gone now.

Here's what I look like when I've done the best I can with the paint, brushes, and "canvas" I have at my disposal.

Here's the hair. Not one of my best braiding jobs, but passable. It still appears fairly dark because it's soaking wet. It'll be late into the day before it's totally dry underneath. The dampness helps keep me cool in summertime.

Ah.... here's what I look like when I can actually see myself. This is the real me, although I really like my Photoshopped profile picture.


Dave said...

I would love to see a picture of you contorting yourself to take a picture of the back of your head.

Joan said...

Hey, remember how the Jordans all have double-jointed elbows?

EmilyV said...

I could post a before and after picture today except they would look exactly alike. Oh, except for my hair finally did dry. No makeup and no hair styling for me today (or most days), though.

Anonymous said...

Four comments:
1) In the top picture, you look like Mama. I never really thought you did until I saw that.
2) In the second picture, you don't look like yourself.
3) In the bottom picture, you look like you.
4) Exactly how bored were you today?