Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday Happenings

  • Since my Falcons season tickets didn't sell on Stubhub nor Craig's List, tonight I posted the pair of tickets for the first game. Already I've had two inquiries! The first one hasn't returned my call, so I'm giving him another hour. Then I'm going to contact the second one. Here's hoping.
  • I pretty much had my sister convinced (not that it took much convincing, Pam) to book the same cruise we're going on in October. The problem is that she can't convince her husband. He has to travel for business about the same time, so that complicates matters as well. She and I may just up and sail the high seas together in the future if she can't pry him away from the fine state of South Carolina. And the state of stick-in-the-muddedness. You don't read my blog, do you Craig?
  • It was Terrible Tuesday at work again, but some of you aren't interested in the gory details, and some of you faithful readers are fellow employees, so you'll just have to use your imaginations. Mostly it was just the feeling of being overwhelmed after a long holiday weekend. A little chocolate helped.
  • Since I don't need to consume more chocolate tonight, I'll write about it instead. My new very favorite kind is dark chocolate Hershey's treasures (shaped like little treasure chests) filled with a liquidy caramel. I like virtually every kind of chocolate/caramel combination, but the treasures top the list. As far as candy bars, Butterfingers are my favorite, even though I don't care for peanuts nor peanut butter in any other form.
    What's your favorite?


Molly said...

My favorite is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (or any other combo of chocolate and peanut butter). Which I hear you aren't a fan of!

Kristina said...

I'd like to know why my mom waits 18 years to hop onto a cruise ship...hmm, I have fall break in October..

EmilyV said...

Kristina, my mom waited 28 years.

My favorite at the moment is Dove dark chocolate with almonds.

Dave said...

dark chocolate!

Anonymous said...

No, he doesn't read your blog.

Liz said...

Oh duh. There I see you already know about Stub Hub. :) So much for me...