Friday, September 12, 2008

Finally Friday

Today was my day to clean house, shop, do laundry, and other not fun stuff so that I can play tomorrow. Angi and I are "cooking" in the morning at a Dinner A Fare. Actually, we won't be doing any cooking, just assembling twelve yummy entres to take home and freeze for later. Then, James and I are going to the Blue Ribbon Affair, the pre- North Georgia State Fair arts & crafts and classic car show. We'll probably go straight from there to Emily's house, since she kindly invited us to supper.

I made reservations today for our trip to Nashville next month for Phillip's commencement from Nashville Auto Diesel College. He won't actually be finished with the program until mid-November, but they hold commencement four times a year, and you participate in the one that's closest to your completion date.

Here's what under $20 (a savings of 62%) will buy at Publix:

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