Here's a quick synopsis of the day's events (so far) and then some photos.
The opening at Hartline (Hillsborough County transit) is for a Level B mechanic, the middle level of three. Phillip took the tests this morning for Apprentice and Level B. He said that he could have passed the Apprentice test just from his work at the hardware store. He thought he did well on the Level B test.
We decided to check out of our hotel and drive to the water, whether it be beachside or dockside. We headed west toward St. Pete and got lost. Not to worry. The CVS store had a city map for sale, and my scanned CVS card yielded four coupons, one or two of which might prove useful.
His interview was scheduled for 2:30. Upon arrival, they told him that he had scored so highly on the Level B test that they wanted him to take the Level A test after the interview. There are no openings for a Level A mechanic, but if he passes the test, it will put him at the top of the candidate pool for the Level B job. He is so pumped up!
Meanwhile, I am at a Mickey D with wifi access. I hope he's not so high that he forgets where he parked me!
The first view as we went in search of salt water.
The St. Pete marina is found.
We had lunch al fresco at a marina bistro. Here's the view from our table.
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