James and Mama... looking bored.

Kristina and Craig... looking happy.

Caleb, Alexa, and my great-niece, Brooke.

My baby sister, Jerri, and two of her grandbabies, Brooke and Sean.

My kid sister, Pam, and Alexa.

My big sister, Lynn.

My niece, Melissa, and Patrick with the multi-recycled angel tree topper and nearly new pirate shirt. Jerri couldn't go to the beach with us this year, so we bought the shirt and mase pictures of each of us wearing it, then sent the pictures to her.

Kristina wouldn't have thought this was a bad white elephant gift 14 or 15 years ago, but now?

Patrick trying to figure out what his white elephant gift is.

You must like Phillip better than me because there are several pictures of him and none of me.
The only ones I had of you included Caleb with a pouty face, so...
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