This is the finished cedar chest now residing in my sewing room. (If you want to see what it looked like before James & I applied the polyurethane, click
here.) The original plan was for James to add some cedar trim around the top edge so that there would be a place to grip the lid and open the chest. Without smashing your fingers, that is. The front edge was so curved that he couldn't make that work, so we went to plan B and added the handles. I love the smell of cedar! As a child/teenager, my vacation
souvenir of choice was often a small cedar chest (hand-held sized) imprinted with the name of the locale. In case you were wondering, the chest is already full! I used it to house the stuff I had under my sewing table, and my extra machine that was sitting on the six-foot table. The room appears a lot less cluttered now. I'm sure I can fix that, given enough time.
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