Saturday, October 31, 2009

Busy Sewing Week

I had a lot of good sewing time this week. I made a purse and an apron that are now in my Etsy shop, and I've begun another purse, all from recycled thrift store jeans. Here are pictures.I'm not sure if that giraffe-print fabric is going to stay or not.

In addition, I hemmed three pairs of curtains for my sister, and I made two hand towels for Phillip. I'm sure everyone who sees these will want to order a set for themselves.

Finally, I made (and mailed) one postcard, but I forgot to get a picture of it. It had a pink heart on it, and it turned out quite nice.

1 comment:

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Hi Joan! I love that apron, what a neat idea. Your little grandchildren look so adorable. I bet they love coming over to your house.