Saturday, October 3, 2009

And the Winner Is...

I showed you this purse several weeks ago. This is what it has looked like for the past week or so.It has earned a red, second place ribbon at the North Georgia State Fair. The ribbon comes with a monetary prize of $3.00!

They don't display the entries in the culinary division because some of them would be pretty gross by the end of the fair's ten-day run! But I found this list posted by the door.
I'm not sure if it will turn out to be legible on the blog, but I have a blue ribbon awaiting for the pralines I entered! The premium for that is $5.00! I'm rich!

Twenty-ish years ago, I entered "party pants" that I made for Emily. Actually, I made us both matching ones, but I didn't keep the ones I made for myself. (Party pants have gone away like big hair and other fashion trends of the late 80s/early 90s. Let us be thankful.) This garment won a third place ribbon back then.


Dave said...

Nice! How are you going to spend your $8?

Liz said...

I would very much like to see you in party pants. Teehee!