Saturday, June 20, 2009

OCD Kicks in Again

This is my very favorite lotion. (It's actually called "Body Cream" and I like it better than the lotion because it feels less sticky.)
I have to get every last speck possible out of any tubes, cans, or bottles of anything. Here's my lotion solution.No, it's not a smaller tube. This is what it looks like when I need to use it.Yep, I cut it in half so that I can get the last little bit left at both ends of the tube. It's not like I don't have more. When Bath & Body Works discontinued this fragrance (Don't you hate that?!), I bought everything I could at 75% off. So I've got about six or seven more tubes waiting when this one is finished. And I mean really finished.


Anonymous said...

Glad to know that I'm not the only one who does things like that!

Kristina said...

It runs in the family..I'm guilty, too

Angi said...

You guys are all "CDO".