Thursday, March 12, 2009

Connect the Dots

You people keep coming back to my blog, even though I'm not here! I've actually been trying to come up with an idea that can keep me blogging and that is interactive. I'm going to take "Connect the Dots" for a test drive and you are my more-or-less willing co-pilots. I love puzzles, so here's the idea: You have to post a comment if you think you know what the three items pictured have in common. At times it may be three words if I'm unable to show a picture. (How would you picture "warmth" for example?) Here is your first picture, guinea pigs: Update: Dave has found the common thread, so if you want to keep pondering for a while, don't read the comments!


JEJJ said...

No Clue

Angi said...

I am working on it. May be making it more complicated than necessary. Trying to determine if it matter what kind of soup and shampoo or only that it is soup and shampoo. Hopefully will get back to you.

Liz said...

The only thing I come up with is get the dandruff off your soup by washing your dish..... But I'm not very good at puzzles. teehee

Joan said...

Funny, Liz.
Angi: It might help to remember that there are three items, not just two.

Dave said...

They all need water to work properly?

Joan said...

Dave, BINGO!

Dave said...

This reminds me of the game Tribond