Enough said. But I'm going to keep going anyway. I had 3/4 bag of marshmallows left over from a rocky road sort of icing that I made for a chocolate cake a couple of weeks ago. So in order to use the marshmallows, I bought some chocolate chips and made fudge last night. I took most of it to work today where the locusts swept through and just about polished it off. Except for one man who refrained. After a very high cholesterol reading, he's been on a diet and exercise quest to reduce his body fat from nearly nothing to exactly nothing. Today he was telling me how flat his stomach is now. My response was that the only thing I have that's flat are my feet and my hair. I try to do just enough exercise and dietary control to stay even with my chocolate habit. Dove and Hershey will thank me one day.

GRIPE: Chocolate
With all the technology available today, you'd think someone could come up with a no-sugar, no-fat, low-cal chocolate with a taste indistinguishable from the high-sugar, high-fat, mega-calorie kind!
My theory is that if you got the chocolate for free, the calories are freebies also.
Get the stuff thats ultra ultra dark. The benefits from all the good stuff cancel out all the bad stuff.
HA! HAHA!!!!
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