Thursday, May 29, 2008

Flower Power or Blighted Blooms?

My sister has a blog, and she's posted pictures of her flower garden(s). She has a green thumb and plants are obviously thriving at her house, in spite of the southeast U.S. region-wide drought. So, I thought I'd post pictures of my flowers, too. Once I figure out how to post a link to her blog like she's done to mine (hey, I'm a little older... it takes more time to get the old brain to comprehend new things), you can compare pictures and decide for yourself who's the born gardener in the family. (Next time, maybe we'll talk about quilting.)

The yellow flowers are in a hanging basket off my screened porch. The only reason there are any flowers there at all is because they somehow miraculously survived the winter. Well, at least half of them did. The long planter that looks like grass is planted with .... grass! It's actually Kitty Grass, a particular species of wheat that we feed to the Blinky cat. Finally, the orange flowers (I don't even know what they are) are in two matching pots on the front porch. Maybe if and when they get a bit bigger they won't look so ridiculous. Since we, too, have drought-induced watering restrictions, I save the cold water that comes out of the hot spigot before it gets hot to use on my extensive "garden."

GOODY: It's my Friday even though it's Thursday. Sometimes, I have already worked 40 hours Monday - Thursday, and if not, then I work a few hours at home on Friday and/or Saturday. I'm not doing any work this weekend, though, because I worked seven hours on Memorial Day.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm impressed!

(With your new links to the blogs, not your plants.)

Joan said...

LOL. I know how to get a big profile picture or a little profile picture, but nothing in between.

Liz said...

Mmmm. They look better than my plants. My where are they! OH yes. One of them fell from great height of the deck where it was getting sun and subsequently forgotten for several days thus getting sun and also great gusts of wind (hence it fell from great height). It currently rests in a heap on the back yard floor. The other plant is out front of the house, and has yet to emerge from its soil though it has been rather a long time ... six months maybe? I don't think it will survive. The azalea gotten as a wedding gift lasted about three weeks. The azalea that came with the house lasted about a month. Sigh. I love flowers. Why don't they love me and just GROW properly!