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... and Gramps is, too! It was fun, though. As promised, here's a picture of Alexa, and better than a picture, a video of Caleb. He can barely talk, but he knows all his letters. It might sound as if he missed one or two, but he can't say "V" or "J" and maybe another one or two. We get tickled at his very southern-sounding accent. But Dave is from Southern Canada, after all.
The Randy Travis concert last night was pretty good. He only forgot the words a couple of times, but he's getting on up there, so all the rest of the geezers there cut him some slack.
The grandbabies are coming over in a little bit, so maybe I'll have some good pictures to post.
I've been waiting over two weeks for a doctor to call me and tell me what's next on my medical agenda, if anything (could just be more watching and waiting). Since this has the potential to affect various summer plans (not to mention possible surgery), I'm rather anxious to speak with him. I've already called the office twice. Instead of calling again, I'm going to compose and fax a letter that his staff will find first thing Monday morning. Don't worry... it will be polite, but it will also express my dismay.
One week of blogging. It's been fun.
I ran into CVS quickly on my way home from the bank and got one Adidas deodorant for $4.99, handed the cashier my $4.99 in EB, paid nothing, and got back another $4.99 in EB. Gotta love free deodorant.
We're going to a concert tonight at the Mable House - Barnes Amphitheater. I used to not like country music, but the only kind I knew anything about was the old, twangy stuff my parents used to listen to. When the only oldies station in town went off the air, I started listening to country and found that I enjoy the sound of contemporary country music. We bought tickets for the entire Country Nights series, so tonight we see Randy Travis. We saw the Oak Ridge Boys a few weeks ago, and they were really good. Barnes Amphitheater's slogan is, So Close You Can Almost Touch the Stars, and it's true. Tables can be purchased (we just have seats) and people bring entire gourmet meals, complete with candlelight. The tables sit right in front of the stage where an orchestra pit might otherwise be. Behind the seats, there is also lawn seating. The whole venue holds about 2,000 people, I think. One of the attractions for us is that it's only about 10 minutes from our house.
Final goody: I finished all the housework today... or at least as much as I had intended to do!
My sister has a blog, and she's posted pictures of her flower garden(s). She has a green thumb and plants are obviously thriving at her house, in spite of the southeast U.S. region-wide drought. So, I thought I'd post pictures of my flowers, too. Once I figure out how to post a link to her blog like she's done to mine (hey, I'm a little older... it takes more time to get the old brain to comprehend new things), you can compare pictures and decide for yourself who's the born gardener in the family. (Next time, maybe we'll talk about quilting.)

The yellow flowers are in a hanging basket off my screened porch. The only reason there are any flowers there at all is because they somehow miraculously survived the winter. Well, at least half of them did. The long planter that looks like grass is planted with .... grass! It's actually Kitty Grass, a particular species of wheat that we feed to the Blinky cat. Finally, the orange flowers (I don't even know what they are) are in two matching pots on the front porch. Maybe if and when they get a bit bigger they won't look so ridiculous. Since we, too, have drought-induced watering restrictions, I save the cold water that comes out of the hot spigot before it gets hot to use on my extensive "garden."
GOODY: It's my Friday even though it's Thursday. Sometimes, I have already worked 40 hours Monday - Thursday, and if not, then I work a few hours at home on Friday and/or Saturday. I'm not doing any work this weekend, though, because I worked seven hours on Memorial Day.
GOODY: ChocolateEnough said. But I'm going to keep going anyway. I had 3/4 bag of marshmallows left over from a rocky road sort of icing that I made for a chocolate cake a couple of weeks ago. So in order to use the marshmallows, I bought some chocolate chips and made fudge last night. I took most of it to work today where the locusts swept through and just about polished it off. Except for one man who refrained. After a very high cholesterol reading, he's been on a diet and exercise quest to reduce his body fat from nearly nothing to exactly nothing. Today he was telling me how flat his stomach is now. My response was that the only thing I have that's flat are my feet and my hair. I try to do just enough exercise and dietary control to stay even with my chocolate habit. Dove and Hershey will thank me one day.
GRIPE: Chocolate
With all the technology available today, you'd think someone could come up with a no-sugar, no-fat, low-cal chocolate with a taste indistinguishable from the high-sugar, high-fat, mega-calorie kind!

GOODIES: So my blog title starts out Grammy's, but I'm just now posting the pictures of what (I should say WHO) makes me Grammy. I realize that I posted a picture of my cat before these! Caleb (almost 3) doesn't like having his picture made these days, so I've had to use an older studio picture (rights properly purchased). Alexa (11 months), is quite the ham, so I had multitudes of photo choices for her. Gramps and I are finding grandparenting to be much more fun than parenting!
I had a dental appointment this afternoon. We've been seeing the same dentist for 30+ years, but now his youngest son has joined the practice, and he's in the office more often than his dad is. It was a little hard to get used to at first, since I knew the son when he was in diapers! Ah, another reminder of the pages of the calendar whizzing by.
GRIPE: I've decided that I need another heading for my day's comments. Sometimes (like today) I might have something to say that's really neither a Goody nor a Gripe. So, borrowing a word from the Executive Vice President at my company, the new category is called Weirdies.
WEIRDY: One of the girls in the office had a telephone message that she didn't know what to do with, so she sent it to me, the Office Manager. The President of our company spends most of his work days in research and writing. He generally does not take telephone calls, preferring to communicate using email, which he can do from home in the evenings. The particular caller who left the message wanted to speak to the President, "Right now." Since the President had left the office and wouldn't be back for a week, I asked Ashley to call the man back, tell him that, and ask if she could relay a message to the President. She called me back with this message, "I want to talk to him before I die, and all my doctors say I won't be here by the time he's back in the office." To make a long story short, he was for real. He'd met our President at one of his speaking engagements in California. So we in the office can rest tonight knowing that we facilitated a last request.
Finally, my apologies for not having anything particularly witty to say today. I'll try to do better in the future.
GOODY:I didn't know that I'd be using this space for a product endorsement, but I rarely purchase something that exceeds expectations. We have a mostly black, reprobate cat named Blinky. She sheds all the time and occasionally leaves us a regurgitated hairball in an inconvenient place. (Always the carpet, never the hardwood.) Our vet recommended a particular grooming comb called Furminator. (I keep wanting to call it a Furby; perhaps it's my medication causing these 80's flashbacks.) Anyway, the picture shows what I combed off of her this morning -- enough fur to knit a kitten, and this is the third straight day we've removed that much loose hair. I'm afraid to keep going. She might soon be naked.
GRIPE: It's a holiday. I'm going to try not to have a gripe today. Stay tuned.
Since everyone else seems to be doing the blog thing, I thought I'd try it, too. The only problem is that I basically have no life, besides reading other people's blogs, so it is likely I'll not have much to post.
About my profile picture: Thanks to Joseph at American Vision for not only making the picture for the staff page of our company web site, but for removing a good many of my wrinkles, too! I feel as if I've gotten the star treatment!
I'm not as good as Emily (yet), but here's my first attempt and having CVS pay me to bring stuff home. The bottom line is that my total was $28.95 but I only spent $10.64 of my money. And I came away with $14.98 in Extra Bucks, plus another coupon good for $5 off of a $25 purchase. Not bad for a beginner! The Extra Bucks are just like money to spend on anything at all at CVS (except for prescriptions -- bummer).
Here's what I got:
- Topping the list (always) Dove Chocolate, two bags for $6, but I had a MFC (manufacturer's coupon) for buy-one-get-one-free, so the net result is that I paid $1.50 per bag.
- Adidas Deodorant (I hope the idea here is for your underarms NOT to smell like your sneakers.) I paid $4.99, but got back $4.99 in EB (Extra Bucks), so it was free.
- Almay Eye Shadow. I was not in dire need of eye shadow (who is?) but I paid $6.99 and got back $5 in EB, so the net was $1.99.
- One tube of Aqua Fresh toothpaste. It was $2.99, but I had a $1 MFC, so it was $1.99, but I got back $2.99 in EB, so I made a dollar!
- Two tubes of Colgate toothpaste. They were on sale for $3.99 each, and I had a MFC for $1.50, so I paid $3.24 per tube, but I got $2 in EB.
The downside was that I spent a long time online looking for printable c0upons before I went. But the only other thing on my agenda was cleaning the bathrooms, so....
I had some really good caramel ice cream. After I got a scoop last night, there was still about 3/4 of the carton left. James found it just a little while ago in the refrigerator.