Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Long Time, No See

Well, I keep thinking that I'll abandon this blog, and then it keeps coming back. If it were a cat, it's on about #4 of its nine lives.

About two weeks ago, we finally got James' parents' house on the market. Here and here are a couple of posts about some of the work I contributed. I haven't heard anything from the Realtor yet, and since the house is vacant, we don't really know if there are interested lookers or not. Let's hope so!

One of the last things James and I did was to clean out a few remaining things from the attic, where I found this item. I don't know what compelled me to bring it home, except that you just don't see these in green enamelware any more. There was also a 1950s/60s Halloween noisemaker toy that may have some small Ebay value.

There are chickens being kept at the property next door to my in-laws' house. I don't believe they are legal, because even outside the city limits, you are supposed to have two acres, and the fowl are supposed to be kept 10 feet from the property line. These birds wander across several adjacent properties. I picked up a large feather the other day, and you can see who thought that was a good gift.


Angi said...

I am glad to see you back!

Anonymous said...

She probably would have liked to have the whole chicken!