Hair's Not Fair
You Can Pick Your Jeans, But Not Your Genes

My dad, who is a number of years older than me (in case you wondered) has very little gray hair. My older sister has very little gray hair. Me? I hit the jackpot. I've had some gray since my early twenties. I've thought once or twice about coloring it, but you know the old adage, "
Know Thyself"? I know myself, and I know that I'm too lazy to want to have to deal with hair coloring every few weeks. I also know that I'm just vain enough not to want to walk around with bi-colored hair from grown-out roots. So, I didn't get my dad's genes for late-in-life graying.

But there is something I
did get from dad's hair genes. His hair is thinning at the temples, and guess what? So is mine. Here's the daily routine to keep my bangs swept back from my face and not falling forward and exposing the baldness. I have to heavily gook my bangs with styling gel, comb it over the balding place, let it dry into a stiff, straw-like texture, and then gently comb through the hair. That's good for several hours in the winter, and several minutes in the humid heat of summer. But since I rarely look in a mirror after I've executed my morning routine, I can pretend that I have hair. And that it stays where I glued it. And now the world knows that I at least tried.
So far I've managed to avoid the gray gene and the thinning gene.
I started greying in my 20's also. A gift from my dad's side. The Lumbee Indians around here have a saying if you color your hair. They say you are,"covering your wisdom." I don't cover my wisdom either,LOL!
Well I'd say you weren't doing too badly at all. My hair keeps falling out and it's getting quite grey at the front too. It's a contstant worry but I try not to think about it unless I'm actually combing it. Well there's not a lot we can do is there? As for colouring it, I'm with you there. Who has the time or patience for that?? I only get mine cut about once a year if it's a good year.
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