Well... that's my front yard at about 1:30 p.m. on March 2
nd. Normally in Atlanta, we'll have, on average, one measurable snowfall (meaning about .25") each winter. This is our third snowfall this season. I don't think we've had any snow for the past two or three years, so I guess the law of averages is catching up. Yesterday at this time it was about 55 degrees and sunny. I took a walk around the neighborhood and didn't even wear my coat. Here's our "measurable" amount.

I think a lot more than that has fallen, but the temperature is around 33 or 34 degrees, so the snow is melting even as it's falling. The bigger problem may come tomorrow when any remaining moisture on the roads will freeze, with temperatures in the upper twenties expected. It's pretty though, and I enjoy it as long as I'm not compelled to go outside.
Goodness more snow! I suppose most of the children have stopped making snowmen now. Tell me, what are those things in the bottom photo? My little one collects them most days from a tree at kindy and puts them in my handbag. Not too pleasant to grab while fossicking around in there I can tell you!
It started snowing here about an hour ago, but I doubt we'll have much accumulation.
Sarah...those "things" are the seed pods from sweetgum trees. We call them sweetgum balls. Sweetgum trees have nice foliage in the fall, but I hate those things!
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