Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lost in Space

You probably think that I've fallen off the planet. No, I've merely fallen off the blogosphere. This has been a busy week as I've done a good bit of work for the two companies who use my Quickbooks expertise, spent a day with two high school friends, finished my last school day of babysitting, and worked some more.

Today marks my one-year anniversary of blogging and also the demise of almost-daily blogging. I've determined that this is not what I want to do with my time, at least not so much of my time as it takes to think about what to write, actually write, make pictures, etc. So, starting today, I'm going to update my blog only on Saturdays. I may actually write earlier in the week, but I'll always set the posts to hit on Saturday mornings. That way you won't waste your time checking in except for once a week.

So long, cyber space. Hello, real world.

1 comment:

Angi said...

You forgot to mention helping a friend - but that is a pretty normal event for you. Thanks!!