Monday, May 4, 2009

Connect the Dots - 37

Find the common bond of three things and leave a comment with your answer.


Dave said...

I'm not sure what the first picture is, but how about "green"?

pistachio green
green thumb

Joan said...

You don't know what the first picture is???!! It's obvious you ain't from around heah. It's a black-eyed pea. And GREEN is the answer.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I got the black-eyed pea part. Exactly how does that fit in with green?
Black-eyed peas and greens?
Pea green?
Green peas?

I'm so confused....

Joan said...

I actually had in mind pea green. But for the image, I didn't use a green pea, I used a black-eyed pea. So I can see how you're confused. So am I. See the "Synapses" post!