The purse I showed you last week sold, so I needed to quickly make another to take its place on Etsy. I pretty much did nothing else on Monday and Tuesday.
I think this is my favorite one. (I say that every time.) I like the floral panel in the center and the floral handles. Here's the pocket detail inside.
Now I can't remember why, but I needed to use the scanner this week. So I opened the computer hutch in my sewing room and waited for the computer to boot up. Turned around, and "Guess Who?"
The remainder of my week I worked at my bookkeeping job; met with a VA liaison for a couple of hours, working toward getting VA benefits for James' parents at the Assisted Living facility; cleaned house as little as I could get by with; and designed, printed, addressed, and mailed this invitation for a party at my house next month.
This afternoon Angi and are are headed to the Braves game. 4:00 p.m. 90 degrees. Near-death experience forthcoming.
But a fun near death experience.
Yes Liz, it was fun - especally with a Braves win in the 9th - caught the second bus back to the Marta station and the train rolled in just as we got down the steps. Home by 8 pm. Not bad - especially for us!
Braves win it in the bottom of the ninth - sounded like a good game to go to (except for the heat)
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