Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sewing This Week
I didn't have a lot of time this week for sewing, but I did finish piecing the top of the baby quilt for number three, Jordanna (unless her name changes between now and December). It will have double borders, and I've cut one and pieced the other, but I haven't attached them yet. I'm not going to show the whole thing until after I give it to Emily, so you'll have to be content with this sneak peek.
I also made one postcard -- for a new baby.
All Wet
though the aquarium opened almost four years ago! (Wow! Time flies.) Anyway, James had some comp time coming and he decided to take off on Thursday; and I thought it might be a good time to go since school has just resumed but it's still to soon for field trips. It was not crowded at all and we had a great time. Since I've been to aquariums in Chattanooga, Charleston, and Tampa, the only really new thing for me was the beluga whales, and they were worth seeing. I think I could have sat and watched them for hours; they seemed so calm and peaceful.
But I enjoyed watching these not-exactly-calm otters, too.
Summer's Over
The birthday party I'm planning for James' dad is two weeks away, and I haven't made a whole lot of preparations beyond getting the invitations mailed. I'd been looking at dollar stores for plates and napkins in a fall color to match the tablecloth I want to use, but hadn't found any. I stopped at Big Lots this week, and success... plates and napkins in a dark, evergreen color. And these hopped into my cart when I wasn't looking.
Yum. Sour apple is my favorite flavor of hard candy, and caramel is second on my all-time list behind chocolate.
Fudge and Pralines

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Where Did the Week Go?
It went by so fast -- unlike when you're working! Monday I made my usual grocery store and drug store runs. Run of the mill, that is. Also on Monday I went to the framing shop to order a shadow box of this Boy Scout memorabilia.
This will be a birthday gift for James' daddy next month.The rest of Monday and Tuesday (excluding my dental cleaning -- no cavities) was spent doing the housework that didn't get finished last week. Also, I did some minor cooking in preparation for lunch with a couple of friends at my house on Wednesday. It was lots of fun looking at pictures from a recent class reunion and then looking up people in the yearbook when we had no clue who they were!
I spent a good part of Friday morning trying to figure out how to list something to sell on Ebay. I finally got there. Or here, if you prefer.
I went to Hancock Fabrics and Jo-Ann Fabric & Crafts on Thursday. One of the things on my list was outdoor fabric to redo the cushion on the porch glider. I didn't come home with any. Bummer. I was also looking for Christmas fabric, but I'm still a bit early. They had Christmas crafting-type fabric out, but not really any dress fabric. Bummer. And I had to go to Little Quilts because neither of the fabric stores had leather thimbles, and I recently lost the one I had. Bummer again. Then... I had to go back to Jo-Ann's on Friday because I didn't realize that the sale featuring several things I wanted didn't start until Friday. This extra trip is beyond bummer, but I'm trying to keep it clean here. I got six patterns for $1 each. One dollar is about right. There's no way on earth I would pay $15.95 (the regular price each of three of them) for an envelope full of paper. If you want to look at my purchase Emily's way, I saved 94% on patterns! I also got ten spools of thread and a roll of quilt batting at half-price.

Finally, I've had this for a month and I keep forgetting to post it. When we vacation in the Charleston area, we usually attend Sunday worship at Eastbridge PCA in Mount Pleasant. When we stay on Isle of Palms, it's not a bad trip, but when we are at Folly Beach, it's nearly an hour drive. Come Sunday morning of vacation, James and I decided we didn't want to make the hour-long drive. (Takes longer to recover from the seven-hour Saturday drive to get to the beach.) So, we decided to go to the local Baptist church. It was an OK service, with a good, scriptural message. I love their slogan, taken from the bulletin:
Saturday, August 15, 2009
At 8:30 on Saturday morning, I realized that I'm slackin' on my Saturday posting. It's been another busy week. I don't know how I used to work full time!

Now I can't remember why, but I needed to use the scanner this week. So I opened the computer hutch in my sewing room and waited for the computer to boot up. Turned around, and "Guess Who?"
The purse I showed you last week sold, so I needed to quickly make another to take its place on Etsy. I pretty much did nothing else on Monday and Tuesday.
I think this is my favorite one. (I say that every time.) I like the floral panel in the center and the floral handles. Here's the pocket detail inside.
Now I can't remember why, but I needed to use the scanner this week. So I opened the computer hutch in my sewing room and waited for the computer to boot up. Turned around, and "Guess Who?"
The remainder of my week I worked at my bookkeeping job; met with a VA liaison for a couple of hours, working toward getting VA benefits for James' parents at the Assisted Living facility; cleaned house as little as I could get by with; and designed, printed, addressed, and mailed this invitation for a party at my house next month.
This afternoon Angi and are are headed to the Braves game. 4:00 p.m. 90 degrees. Near-death experience forthcoming.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Sew, Sew, Some More
Finally Finished

Sewing This Week?
Yet Another Sewing Project
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Sewing to Get Where You're Going
Here's what I made (from a scrap I already had) this week.
We have a GPS that I got last fall pretty much for free with CVS Extra Bucks.
It's been living in this heirloom:
Up until Phillip was about three or four years old, he had very fat feet, and I had to pay big bucks at specialty kids' shoe stores and get brand-name shoes in a wider width that would fit him. It was painful at the time. I saved two or three of the cute, little boxes, though. It wasn't a very good solution for the GPS since it won't fit in the glove box. Also, James' company flew him to Pasadena for a couple of days of work this week, and he needed to take the GPS. The shoebox is no good for packing in luggage, either. So now you know what the small, zippered pouch is for.
Sewing is a useful skill. Don't have something I need? No problemo. I'll make it.
Sewing is a useful skill. Don't have something I need? No problemo. I'll make it.
Fabric Bonanza
Also, a friend from church was given a bunch of fabric and she invited me to come and see if there was anything I wanted. Unfortunately, by the time we returned from vacation, it was pretty picked over by others. I did get a few pieces of mostly upholstery fabric, including some polished chintz. I have no idea what I'll do with it, but I'm thinking it would make a cute teddy bear.
What Happens When You Go on Vacation
Come December, They'll Be Big
Actually, Caleb already is the big brother, but in December Alexa will be big, too. They'll be the big brother and sister to a little girl. Her semi-final name is Jordanna Ruth. I found these half-price shirts at a local children's store that is closing here and moving to Florida.
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