Saturday, July 4, 2009

You Knew It Already

But I'm dotty. Thus, my sewing room is sporting a new look, which Blinky had to investigate.

The dots are removable vinyl. They do indeed come off very easily now, and I sure hope that trend holds or I'm going to hate myself someday. (See the wallpaper posts.)

In related news, Angi and I went shopping and eating (not necessarily in that order) for our annual dual-birthday celebration. We went to Ikea because I had seen a lime green wall-mount shelf (to hold my quilting books/magazines) at the Ikea in Florida, but I didn't get it since I was flying. Well, the Atlanta Ikea didn't have it, so I chose a substitute. As we were nearing the check-out area, we decided to take a look in the scratch-and-dent section. I found a 6 ft. royal blue bookcase that I knew would be a perfect addition to the sewing room. No assembly and no painting required. But there was no way it would go in my Cruiser. Upon inquiry, I learned that I could pay for it, leave it in the furniture delivery area, and pick it up later. So, I called James, (after 33+ years, he's used to responding to these types of "situations" that I create) and he decided he'd rather come with the van immediately rather than the two of us going back later in the evening. Angi and I parked ourselves, along with cold drinks and my bookcase, outside in the loading area and waited. Without any back seats in the van, the bookcase fit perfectly. James brought it home and Angi and I went for cheesecake. And lunch. And more shopping.

Blinky had to snoopervise the securing and leveling of the new bookcase.And here it is, all filled up with stuff that had been stacked on the tables in my sewing room. I knew I could fill it up!


Angi said...

We are good at what we do - shopping and finding lots of chocolate to eat!!

Liz said...

Very nice!!! The scratch and dent section is the best - we got our $100+ chair that fits one's back like none other for $15.

Anonymous said...

LOL...seems like I remember a bicycle I bought about 30 years ago that even I had to call James to come pick up for me. Must be genetic!