Saturday, July 25, 2009

At the Beach

We've spent the week at the beach and we'll be on our way home today. Here's the view from the screened porch of the house where we stayed.
My sister, my niece, and I had a fun time shrimping and crabbing at the pier at Fort Moultrie. We didn't catch any crabs big enough to keep, but we did get plenty of shrimp (mostly bait-sized) and more fish than the fisherman! We caught mostly mullet and spots in our cast net, along with a couple of puffer fish and squid that we threw back.
Here's how I do the beach these days, along with being slathered in SPF45 sunscreen.Just about all the amenities of home, but it does get rather warm in there.

1 comment:

Angi said...

Glad you had a good time. See you soon!