I didn't take Caleb and Alexa for story time at the library today due to the pouring down rain. Instead, I took them to the assisted living facility where my in-laws live. The difference between excursions, you ask? Well, today's destination has a double-wide, covered, drop-off, pick-up area, under which you are not supposed to park, but I did anyway. I didn't plan to stay long, and I pulled over as far as I could get so as not to impede other traffic. In fact, I pulled over so far that I had to go out the passenger front door! Anyway, both kids behaved well, and their great-grandparents were glad to see them. These are terrible pictures from my two mega-pixel camera phone, but it's the best I can do.

Last week I was in the downtown area of my hometown, so I took the opportunity to walk over to the Veterans' Monument. My in-laws have bricks there.

This camera-phone shot, made in daylight vs. indoor light, came out pretty good, except for the mottled, tree shadows.
By-the-way, I have only very basic cell phone service. I can make pictures, but I can't get them off my phone since I have no web service. My techie husband blue-
tooths them to his phone, connects his phone to his laptop, and then saves the pictures onto my flash drive. I love being married to my own personal tech support!
Disclaimer: Even though I've blogged two days in a row, don't get used to it. I might not have anything else to say for weeks.
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